HaiPerMon ist eine Anwendung für geodätisches und geotechnisches Monitoring (Überwachungsmessungen). Der Kern wird geformt durch InfluxDB, einer modernen Datenbank für Zeitreihendaten. Diese wird mit den Messwerten der Sensoren am Ort des Monitorings gefüllt. In den meisten […]
4 Beiträge
Geodetic and geotechnical monitoring is an important task within the field of surveying. It is often employed to monitor critical buildings and infrastructure during construction works. One of the highlights of my geodetic career was the […]
InfluxDB and Grafana are designed for storage and display of one-dimensional time series data. There is however an XY Chart option in Grafana that also makes it possible to show two-dimensional data. There are several challenges […]
InfluxDB is a database for time series data, and I have recently been developing an application for geodetic and geotechnical monitoring around it. My input data is usually in text form. There are several ways to […]